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Jonathon G. Wells is running for Register of Deeds for Berrien County on the Democratic ticket. Jonathon is an exciting new candidate who was recently endorsed by the Berrien County Democratic Party (BCDP). In addition to our amazing candidates up and down the ballot on August 6, Jonathon Wells is one of TWO write-in candidates. Please follow the instructions below when completing your ballot:

On the Democratic party section, you will find Register of Deeds is empty. Fill in the circle and write J-O-N-A-T-H-O-N W-E-L-L-S. Over 300 write-in ballots cast are required to be included on the November ballot.

Racial diversity, social and economic equality, LGBTQ+ issues, economic development and growth, and basic human rights are issues for which he continues to champion.

Committee to Elect Jonathon Wells
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